Mom ASI For Children Nutrision

4 min readDec 3, 2020


Children and adolescents today are highly required to have achievements and must be able to keep up with the times. Therefore, a lot of children and adolescents think less about their physical condition is good or not. They only think about the activities they participate in and are usually required to obtain an achievement. If they have activities that require physical activity, such as sports, they may have set their diet to keep their bodies fit, so that children and adolescents in this group have no problem with nutritional problems. But if they see children and adolescents who are in other groups, for example in various campus organizations, music, etc., they will not have time to think about the nutrition they need, because they think there is no need to think about it. It is very different from the groups of children and teenagers who exist in sports, they will try to keep their bodies healthy and fit so that they can still do the sport, because they do need a lot of energy when compared to children. and the youth in another group.
To avoid children and adolescents in general who do not think about a healthy diet or the nutrition they need, it is very important that we introduce or provide an understanding of the benefits of a good diet and balanced nutrition for our bodies. So that children and adolescents who are often busy with activities that take up a lot of time will realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle by eating foods that have balanced nutrition to meet the energy needed for our bodies.

Definition of Balanced Nutrition
What is meant by balanced nutrition is a balanced diet between nutrients obtained from a variety of foods in fulfilling the nutritional needs for a healthy, smart and productive life.
So if children and adolescents want to have a healthy lifestyle, in addition to exercising, we must also manage a good diet, so that body fitness is achieved by exercising and the nutritional needs that the body needs are also met by adjusting the diet, in other words, if both this is achieved so we can do the activities we want.
Mothers have a very important role in regulating children’s food and are also one of the factors causing malnutrition in toddlers. Even though children have chosen foods that they like and need, they still need special attention so that the food they eat meets the body’s needs, if not, continuous and long-lasting malnutrition can result in malnutrition in toddlers.
By obtaining this, the researcher will try to find a solution in dealing with malnutrition that is appropriate to change the attitudes and habits of housewives in meeting nutritional needs and family food management including knowledge of food substances, processing techniques, presentation and feeding methods.
The place where the research was carried out was in Kuranji Subdistrict, Padang City with a time of 6 months. This type of research is descriptive quantitative which aims to analyze the attitudes and habits of mothers in setting family meals. The population of this study is homogeneous, namely all mothers who have toddlers with malnutrition in Kuranji sub-district, with a total of 85 people, a sample size of 65 people using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect research data in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The questionnaire is arranged in the form of a Likert scale with 5 alternative answers. The statements in the questionnaire consisted of positive and negative statements, namely Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Neutral (P), Disagree (TS), Strongly Disagree (STS). The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data is data on the attitudes and habits of mothers in family food arrangements obtained directly from respondents by distributing questionnaires, and secondary data, namely data on the number of children under five suffering from malnutrition. Data processing and analysis were carried out descriptively.

Mothers have a very important role in regulating children’s food and are also one of the factors causing malnutrition in toddlers. Even though children have chosen foods that they like and need, they still need special attention so that the food they eat meets the body’s needs, if not, continuous and long-lasting malnutrition can result in malnutrition in toddlers.
By obtaining this, the researcher will try to find a solution in dealing with malnutrition that is appropriate to change the attitudes and habits of housewives in meeting nutritional needs and family food management including knowledge of food substances, processing techniques, presentation and feeding methods.
The place where the research was carried out was in Kuranji Subdistrict, Padang City with a time of 6 months. This type of research is descriptive quantitative which aims to analyze the attitudes and habits of mothers in setting family meals. The population of this study is homogeneous, namely all mothers who have toddlers with malnutrition in Kuranji sub-district, with a total of 85 people, a sample size of 65 people using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect research data in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The questionnaire is arranged in the form of a Likert scale with 5 alternative answers. The statements in the questionnaire consisted of positive and negative statements, namely Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Neutral (P), Disagree (TS), Strongly Disagree (STS). The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data is data on the attitudes and habits of mothers in family food arrangements obtained directly from respondents by distributing questionnaires, and secondary data, namely data on the number of children under five suffering from malnutrition. Data processing and analysis were carried out descriptively.

